Integrated Community Services (ICS) is a distinguished non-profit agency providing solutions to the critical needs of individuals with disabilities..
ICS aims to build specially designed programs that assist self-reliance and address the diverse and unique needs of this population.
We believe that people with disabilities can live rich, independent lives when provided with encouragement and practical support in the areas of employment and independent living skills.
Our executive staff has advanced degrees in the specialized field of rehabilitation counseling.
With over 30 years combined experience, our expertise has been called upon by community, County, and state government agencies.
What's New
ICS is excited to announce the grand opening of GEM (Growing Excellence in Marin), a vocational horticulture training program. GEM is structured as a three- to nine-month training program to prepare clients referred through the Department of Rehabilitation to become skilled entry-level greenhouse/nursery employees. ICS will provide job preparation, development, placement, and coaching to clients who have completed their GEM training and are deemed employment ready. A ribbon-cutting ceremony took place at the site on Friday, July 23rd with some 70 program participants, support staff, and community members in attendance.
About Us
Our Mission is to provide a wide range of community-based services for individuals with disabilities in the areas of employment, housing, recreation, information, and referral.
Our Goal is to assist individuals to develop a greater measure of personal autonomy and control in their lives.
Our Belief is that people with disabilities can and do perform to the high standards of employers and the community and live rich, independent lives when provided with encouragement and support.
Our Motto is W.I.T., "Whatever it takes!"
About ICS
ICS works with people with all types of disabilities Regardless of sex, race, religion, national origin, or sexual preference with no age limit (although some government-funded individuals must be 18 years or older).
Who are medically stable
Who are willing and able to benefit from service.
Who possess a manageable behavior in a non-institutional environment, including no threatening behaviors towards self or others.
Who have basic self-help skills, Who are willing to work with ICS on obtaining funds for services through government and private sources
ILS Independent Living Skills
Through our Independent Living Skills training program, ICS addresses daily living skills that may include money management, domestic skills training, medical and social assistance, as well as community integration. We also assist students and their families as they transition out of special education programs and into adult life.
An ILS Trainer is appointed to an individual after assessment is completed and will provide focused one-on-one training.
Under ILS services, individuals can access the Movie Club and Bowling groups that are client-run. Employment
ICS provides a special combination of human and community resources that makes rehabilitation successful. Our mission is to create specially designed programs that promote self-sufficiency and address the diverse and unique needs of the populations we serve. ICS assists individuals to land competitive jobs throughout Marin County. To ensure success, we offer vocational counseling, job development, on-the-job training, and follow-up services to both the employee and the employer.
Employment Programs: STAR
The Marin County Support and Treatment after Release program (STAR) was originally implemented through a competitive Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction grant (MIOCRG) awarded by the California Board of Corrections in 2000-01. STAR enrollees receive intensive treatment and services to support functioning and reduce recidivism. Some of the STAR multi-disciplinary specialists include Community Mental Health professionals, County probation, the Sheriff's Department, the San Rafael Police Department, and ICS. Our role consists of vocational/educational assessment and planning. We provide immediate vocational coordination, counseling, placement and job coaching services to enrollees. ICS also facilitates volunteer placement, educational/career planning, and service coordination of agencies such as the Department of Rehabilitation for additional vocational support.
Employment Programs: Odyssey
ICS is an integral part of Community Mental Health's Odyssey Program. This program serves individuals with mental illness who are at risk of homelessness. Odyssey offers intensive case management services addressing housing; medical and psychiatric treatment; and vocational needs. ICS focuses on employment needs by providing volunteer placement, vocational/educational counseling, job placement, and job coaching. We also coordinate services with outside agencies and assist clients with accessing Department of Rehabilitation services.
Employment Programs: Phoenix
This unique workshop was developed by ICS for enrollees of the Odyssey and STAR programs. The Phoenix has long been a symbol of rebirth and re-creation and is linked to the idea that individuals can connect who they are with meaningful work. This workshop incorporates the creative use of songs, personal stories of triumph, the Core Gift Assessment, motivational and vocational exploration exercises, and self-reflection to help individuals define a career path which suits their personal values, beliefs and vision of the future.
Information and Referral
Our staff is exceptional. The executive staff has advanced degrees in the specialized field of rehabilitation counseling. With over 50 years combined experience, our expertise has been called upon by the community, county and state government agencies. Our professional staff consists of Transition and Employment Specialist, Job Coaches, Independent Living Skills trainers, and Resource Specialists. Integrated with ICS' provision of services is our coordination with partner agencies and referral to appropriate resources.
For more information about Integrated Community Services programs and services of visit, or call 415-455-8481.